What is Energy healing?
Energy healing is a holistic practice where one channels universal life force (healing energy from source) This energy helps to balance, heal and remove blockages from the body. During treatment, flow, balance and vitality are restored. It is so exciting to see so many people who understand the connection between the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. To live in harmony within yourself, you must balance all of these. Energy healing has been known to speed up recovery process and is being used in many hospitals. It is effective in reducing pain, boosts vitality, optimizes inner strength and resilience and so much more.
Why should I try this?
I am so very excited for you to try this approach to helping your body rid all of what is no longer serving you. Having stored emotions and trauma in the body over time wear on you. They may come out in how you react to situations or people in your life. Ask yourself if you have a knee jerk response that is part of your life. (We all do). These reactions come out to protect us from whatever it is that we have in our past that may have caused pain. Sometimes they may fester and cause physical discomfort or even lead to disease.
it is also an excellent opportunity for you to set aside time for yourself. Time to connect into your higher self and your spirit guides. The opportunity to reflect on the past and look to the future. What do I want my future to look like? Am I taking the necessary steps to get there? Let's clear your path so you can get there and maybe way more than you ever dreamed possible. There are no limits! Only limited beliefs on what we can achieve. So reach way above the stars for what you want to accomplish in this life, and let's make it into reality. Clearing any blocks you inadvertently put in your way.